What is Mijoy Ride?

After experiencing the heartbreaking loss of my beloved parents Milton and Joy within a mere 3 weeks of each other, I set off on a solo motorcycle journey in 2021, fulfilling a promise I made to my mum to take them both back around Australia.

Now, in 2024, I’m commencing another solo motorcycle journey, only this time it’s around the globe! I’ll be travelling through three continents – Oceania, Asia, and Europe on my faithful motorbike, Mijoy, crossing into 34 countries along the way.

Along the way I’ll be raising funds for my local community Yacaaba Centre, which saved my life by providing professional grief counselling and giving me the tools to adventure and make a difference to many people suffering from loss.

I’d love you to follow my adventure as I ride through diverse landscapes and share my inspiring story of resilience and purpose.

The Mijoy Ride Story

My motorbike “Mijoy” is named after my parents, Milton and Joy.

Their whirlwind romance of marrying within four weeks and sharing 68 years together left an indelible mark on me.

Losing them within three weeks of each other was devastating, but their memory evokes memories of joy and love, guiding me as I navigate entrepreneurship, reminding me to live authentically and pursue my passions.

Mijoy Ride is a tribute to my parents’ enduring love, inspiring me to live with joy and authenticity in their honour.


MiJoy Ride – Around Oz

MiJoy Ride – Good Grief


Meet Vicki

I am raising funds for Yacaaba Centre Information and Counselling Service because I am inspired by their work.

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