MiJoy Ride – Around Oz

The adventure known as Mijoy Around Oz has now reached its conclusion. In late 2020, I faced the heartbreaking loss of my beloved parents, Milton and Joy, within a mere 3 weeks of each other. Their enduring love story, culminating in 67 years of marriage, began with a whirlwind romance that led to their union after just 4 weeks of knowing each other. After Dad’s passing in a nursing home, I assumed the role of Mum’s caregiver, drawing strength from their shared memories and the diary recounting their 1997 trip around Australia.

In fulfilling a promise made to Mum, I embarked on a journey to take them both back around Australia, setting off on my motorbike, Mijoy, on the same day they did, 25 years later. Throughout this voyage, I not only paid homage to their legacy but also crafted new memories, chronicling moments in my own diary for my daughter.

This adventure transcended the mere act of riding; it served as a tribute to all caregivers who selflessly devote themselves to others. Carers often labor unnoticed, sacrificing their own well-being for the sake of those they care for. Their silent struggles, both physical and emotional, underscore the depth of their resilience and fortitude.

Mijoy Around Oz stood as a beacon, shedding light on the unspoken challenges of caregiving while celebrating the enduring love of my parents. It was a journey marked by remembrance, healing, and advocacy—a poignant reminder to cherish our loved ones and extend support to those who shoulder the responsibility of care.

As the wheels of Mijoy came to a halt, I reflect on the profound significance of this odyssey, riding in memory of Mum and Dad.

The Bike & Gear

Preparing the bike


MiJoy Ride – Around Oz

MiJoy Ride – Good Grief
